Sacramental Formation includes Baptism Classes, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Pre Cana, Marriage and R.C.I.A. Registration forms and calendars are available in the Documents section at the botttom of this page.
Baptism is the Sacrament which welcomes all members into the Church! Traditionally, in the Catholic Church, parents who wish to share their Faith with their children, present their infants for Baptism.
To assist new (or first-time) parents in raising their children in the Church, St. Jude offers a special “Baptism Class” every other month. (Families unable to attend here are invited to inquire about classes offered at other parishes in the area).
During the one-time session, background on the history and significance of the Sacrament of Baptism is provided, elements of the Rite are explained in-depth and a close look is given to the role of the Godparents. Resources are provided for future reference and information about how to schedule a Baptism at St. Jude Church is also given.
Students who are in the Second Grade (in either St. Jude School or in the P.S.R. program) are prepared to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.
Because parents are seen as the primary religious educators of their children, a special session will be held for parents. At that time, the history, significance and relevance of the Sacrament, an understanding of “Sin,” and the role of the priest is presented in the hope that an increased appreciation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the part of families will be passed on to the children preparing to celebrate it for the first time.
All children baptized at a Catholic parish other than St. Jude must provide a copy of their Baptismal Certificate before they can receive this Sacrament.
The Sacrament of Eucharist (the second of the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church) is celebrated for the first time by second graders who attend St. Jude School or P.S.R. on a Saturday Mass at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
The students, who have been prepared at home by their families, and in the classroom by their teachers and catechists, celebrate a number of other occasions en route to receiving their First Communion, including a special “Jesus Day” Retreat with their classmates.
To assist parents in preparing their children to celebrate First Eucharist, a special session is held in Spring, at which the history, significance and gifts of the Sacrament are shared. At that time, additional information is provided about specifics of the celebration at St. Jude.
Confirmation is the final Sacrament of Initiation of the Catholic Church. The Confirmation program is a process that helps 9th to 12th grade students explore what it means to make a faith commitment and to accept the responsibilities that come with such a decision. Adults are welcome to join the preparation team to assist with the sessions.
To sign up, please complete this online registration form. Payment can be dropped off in the offertory basket at at the rectory.
Confirmation Registration
Pre-Cana is a program for marriage preparation required of Catholic parishes in the United States. It is a time of interaction between engaged couples preparing for a first marriage and several married couples who wish to share their experiences of married life. In Lorain County, this program is a cooperative effort of several parishes who provide teams of married couples. The day-long sessions are held on Sundays once a month, seven times a year. All sessions are held at St. Patrick Church in Wellington.
Rectory Office
St. Jude Parish is dedicated to and happy to help couples begin their marriage with God’s blessing. Please contact the Rectory to meet with one of the priests at least six months before you set a date. Because marriage is such an important and life-changing experience, universal Church law and local practice require certain pieces for the preparation process: an initial interview to explore a couple’s background and freedom to marry; an assessment of a couple’s strengths and potential challenges for marriage; a day-long interaction session with married couples sharing their experiences in marriage (Pre-Cana Day); and a meeting to plan the liturgical celebration of the wedding. We understand that couples will spend a good deal of time and energy preparing for the wedding day. The Church’s time and energy is designed to prepare them for a new life.
Rectory Office
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) is a process or journey for initiating persons into the Catholic Church. While primarily ordered to those who are not baptized, it can be adapted for those baptized in other Christian faith traditions or for baptized Catholics who have not been formed in the Catholic Faith and have not received First Eucharist and Confirmation. The process envisions parishioners to be a part of the process to assist the with prayer support, hospitality, participating in faith sharing and discussions, and possibly serving as a sponsor for an inquirer. Volunteers are always needed. The normal process generally begins in September and continues to May.